
1. Sign into your Gmail email account.

2. Open your contacts list list by clicking the 'Contacts' tab:

3. Click the 'Add Contact' tab to open the 'Add Contact' page:

4. Paste or type Bingo Cafe email address such as [email protected] and [email protected] into the 'Email' field and click the 'Add Contact' button:

5. You have successfully added Bingo Cafe to your 'Safe List'!

download icon bingocafeSave file to play with your $30 Free!
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Your free BingoCafe download should start automatically within seconds.
If it doesn't, restart free download
You are 3 steps away from hours of fun!
popup step 1 ie bingocafe

1. Run the Bingo Cafe Installer.
Click on "Run" in the yellow box at the bottom of the page.
popup step 2 ie bingocafe

2. Sign up in 30 sec
Choose a login name and password.
popup step 3 ie bingocafe

3. Get $30 free
Bingo Cafe will automatically open.